The Mixed Newspapers

Image Appropriation


The project “The Mixed Newspapers” discusses my generation’s perception of traditional paper media(The New York Times) and new media platforms(Instagram).

Born in 2002, I noticed most people in my generation hardly have the habit of purchasing physical newspapers. Instead of reading paper articles, Gen Z-ers prefer browsing images on media platforms to stay informed. Being a member of this generation, I realized how the mass images I see every day saturate my life, shape my perspective and alternate my values. These online images affect my generation silently, finally turning into so-called “popular culture”.

The Instagram posts and The New York Times’ front pages in every single piece of my project share the same topics, while their presentations are distinct: images from The New York Times are mostly traditional journalism photography, while pictures from Instagram are various from selfies to memes. By cutting them into stripes and making slits on The New York Times, I weave them into the newspaper in a checkerboard pattern to create an analogy, emphasizing the differences of images between traditional and new media platforms. The project questions how images influence our perception from time to time, and how new media affect young people’s understanding of the surroundings.

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