What Is a Door?
Video Installation
I realize myself living in a stage where I face many choices. Viewing my past choices, I sometimes question what if I chose that, instead of this, how my life would change. I feel blessed when I see some choice I made unintentionally, leading to a result that I would love to see. I also embrace some bad choices I’ve made, as they always teach me something and build part of my personality. At those moments of making choices, I grow new potentials for myself, while at the same time killing the possibility of me being other versions of myself. The current version of me is the linear result of all those part choices, no matter good or not.
Please play the video in repeat mode.
︎ Video Plot ︎
This is a door,
a hinged barrier at the entrance to a space.
It can be opened.
It can be closed.
Now this is a bunch of images of the door.
This is a point cloud generated from those images.
This is a 3D model generated from the point cloud.
This is a 3D model with a better topology.
These are the 2D information of the door.
Now you can open the door.
And of course, you can close the door as well.
There can be many things behind the door.
A camera?
An eye?
An egg?
Or a door behind a door.
The door can have its own ideas.
It may jump.
It may twist.
It may flip.
But it still chooses to stand as a door.
There are some places where no doors exist.
But you may have the ability to build a door.
There may not only be one door.
There can be many doors.
Some doors are always open for you.
while some doors forever close,
or close when you try to open other doors.
You can’t tell whether a door is real or not.
Some of them collapse in front of you when you try to open it.
Some of them leave their keys in other doors.
And some lead you to the other door which you have never seen before.
A new door.
Now this is a door.
A door that is supposed to be the same one as you saw xx seconds ago,
or it's just the exact same door.
What is a door?
Choose your door.